What you can do

It’s time.


There is no shortage of action that needs to be taken to get our local, state and national governments back to their Constitutional foundations. TEA members and friends strive to stay engaged on all these levels. Here are some suggestions of things you can do.

  1. Attend your city council or township trustee meeting regularly. Take notes.
  2. Attend your local school board meeting. Take notes.
  3. Attend the Lorain County Commissioners’ meetings regularly. Take notes. Write a brief report and send to us and we can publish it on this website.
  4. Contact (phone, email, letter, in person) your elected officials. Click for Lorain County representatives at each level.
  5. Choose an issue to focus on. Educate yourself on the issue. Educate your elected officials on the issue. Educate your neighbors on the issue. See #6.
  6. TAKE ACTION: Write a letter to officials, to the newspaper. Speak at the public meetings. Meet with likewise concerned citizens to develop ideas and chose action to take to fix problems.
  7. TAKE ACTION: Call officials.